Are you a new coach with a dream of growing your business? Maybe, you want to increase your coaching session bookings, or website follower, clicks, and engagement.

But, despite having all it takes to be a successful Coach or Consultant, your leads are still low. Even with the best lead generation funnels, the conversion rate of your coaching session bookings is low. For you to change the current situation, you need to take a step back to one of the four corner stones of digital marketing.

CVJ is the process of attracting, converting, and retaining the right customers in your business. For any business to succeed in lead generation and conversion, it must have a well-thought strategy for taking their customers through the value journey.  Each business require a framework for acquiring leads ant transforming them into sales. 

But how do you do this? Here are the 6 steps for creating an effective customer value journey framework that will enhance your business growth:

#1 – Create awareness

Creating awareness is the initial step customer value journey. This step calls for making your brand known to the market. Here your focus is providing insightful information about your brand to draw the attention of your ideal client with an objective of converting them into qualified leads.

One mistake many coaches and consultants make is that they present an offer to their target client before they warm up the relationship. At this stage, your focus should be on providing value to the prospects through different tactics (and there are many available). Below are some ideas for creating awareness advertising.

  • Search engine optimization
  • Social Media
  • Blog posts
  • Podcasts
  • Advertising
  • etc

#2 – Convert the anonymous visitors into known contacts

After creating awareness, you will convert the anonymous visitors into known contacts. One way to do this is requesting them to subscribe to your email list with an offer. This aspect will help you to get visitors contacts. With their contacts, you can engage with them to understand their needs.

Through the engagement, you will learn about your prospects’ behavior as well as their likes and dislikes. You can use this conversation (via your email list) to automate your conversion process.

#3 – Identify your known contacts pain points

Now, you have a batch of raw leads. The next step is engaging your contacts to understand their pains and goals. Here you can send them an email asking them about their biggest challenges in achieving their objectives.  For instance, your potential client is seeking to increase their conversion rate by 70% but coming up with a perfect strategy is a challenge. This helps you take the guess work out of what your clients needs so you know how to best serve them.

#4 – Present an irresistible offer

Upon getting information about your target’s pain points, it is time to convert the leads into clients. Create an irresistible offer as a package that addresses their pain points. Your offer should have well laid out strategies of moving the customers from their current state to their desired state. Remember that your leads are not coming to you because they want a coach or consultant. They come to you because they want an outcome. A transformation that will improve their current situation, So keep that in mind as you present offers and solutions.

#5 – Create a memorable experience

No doubt, customers will come back to your business based on past experience. If the experience was poor, they terminate their relationship and vice versa.  For this reason, customer experience is crucial in the customer value journey.

Once your leads accept your offer and convert to customers, it is important to determine ways of on creating memorable experience. Consider strategies that will deliver the best experience to your customers. For instance you can give bonus, discounts, or freebies on when a client subscribes to an advanced package. Your goal should be making your new clients happy and delighted.

#6 – Transform the customers to brand promoters

Certainly, happy customers will share their experience with colleagues. Your clients can help you acquire new customers without spending extra coins.  They can enhance lead generation through social proof. So, ask your customers to leave a review of their experience on your website or social page.

Also, you can start a commission or an affiliate program your current customers’ efforts in promoting your business.  Apart from this, you should assess you customer value journey framework and fix any issues. For instance, you can check the reason why many leads did not convert to sales and try addressing the issue.

Final thoughts

As you can see, creating a customer value journey framework is not a hard tackle. When you follow the above steps effective, you can come develop a CVJ framework that will boost your lead generation and conversion rates. 

All you need is to identify your customers, nurture, convert leads into sales. Always ensure you have ways of creating memorable experience and rewarding your customers. This way, your coaching business will flourish.